WashTec’s overarching goal in the area of environmental sustainability is to achieve CO2e-free economic activity by 2040. The scope includes the production sites in relation to the emissions resulting from Scope 1 and 2.
In countries with sales and service branches, around 95% of emissions are attributable to the vehicle fleet, which is to be gradually decarbonized by 2040.

The transformation plan for CO2e-free economic activity is based on specific reduction pathways for the respective emitters. The fields of action were developed at the level of the individual production plants, with measures to be taken and a timeframe for implementation defined.

Milestones (e.g. the 2030 environmental and energy concept) are defined to make the progress made in the meantime measurable and the degree of fulfilment of the strategy more tangible. The concept takes up the planned projects of the transformation plan and includes further measures and projects with a higher level of detail.