WashTec reports Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in the countries with production. These are Germany, the Czech Republic, the USA and China. Our reduction target relates to these countries. By 2025, we aim to reduce carbon emissions per €m revenue by 30% compared to the 2019 baseline.
We have collected data on our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions in the countries in which there are only sales and service sites. More than 90% of emissions relate to the vehicle fleet. We can only state a target for these sites when conditions allow in terms of charging infrastructure and what vehicle manufacturers have on offer (range, cargo volume, etc.). Data collection for Scope 3 emissions is still in progress. We currently report emissions from travel in this Scope.
At present, our primary focus is on reducing emissions and we do not plan to use any
offsetting for carbon emissions.